
Concert by the Paris Chamber Orchestra

Apr 08, 2025
From 8 PM to 10 PM

Location Théâtre des Champs-Elysées15, Avenue Montaigne75008, Paris
Remaining places : 3

Mozart / Kraus / Stamitz

The Orchestre de chambre de Paris and Giovanni Antonini at the heart of Viennese classicism.

Concert by the Paris Chamber Orchestra

L'Orchestre de Chambre de Paris

Giovanni Antonini | conductor 
Benoît Grenet | cello 
Adrien Ramon | trumpet

Mozart's Symphony No. 41, ‘Jupiter’, is the solar apogee of the classical orchestra that developed during the eighteenth century under the impetus of composers such as Berlin, Stamitz and Kraus. While the astonishing Sinfonia with cornetto by the German-Norwegian musician Johan Daniel Berlin (1714-1787) resonates with echoes of the late Baroque, Carl Stamitz belonged to the Mannheim school that was so important in the development of orchestral music: he paved the way for the classical style of Joseph Martin Kraus and Mozart, two composers born in the same year. But the ‘Jupiter’ also looks to Bach and Handel, whom Mozart had discovered a few years earlier: this fruitful dialogue between past and present shines through in the last movement, both a technical tour de force and a jubilant climax.

Le programme :

Berlin : Sinfonia à cinq pour cornet à bouquin, cordes et continuo
Kraus : Symphonie en ut mineur, VB 142
Stamitz : Concerto pour violoncelle n° 3
Mozart : Symphonie n° 41 K. 551 « Jupiter » 

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, 15 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris.  Métro : Alma-Marceau (ligne 9)

10 seats in OPTION 1st category, Orchestra seat: 38 Euros (member rate), 41 Euros (non-member rate) instead of 64 Euros and 10 Euros (YOUTH rate, up to 27 years old)

Tickets can be collected from the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées ticket office 45 minutes before each concet.

Responsable des réservations de places :
Francine Brault Marigaux
tél. 01 34 51 96 16


Calendrier des concerts à venir :
Mardi 6 mai  2025 à 20h : Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Messiaen / Vierne