
Cross du Figaro

Dec 01, 2024
From 9 AM to 3 PM

Location 1, Avenue de la Grille d'Honneur92210, Saint-Cloud
Remaining places : unlimited
An invitation from Air Canada!
Cross du Figaro

There are still a few places left to take part in the 52st edition of the famous Cross du Figaro, to be held on Sunday December 1st, 2024 at the Domaine National de St Cloud, Our partner Air Canada invites you to come and run one of the 4 distances on offer: 5, 10, 15 or 20 km! or a 5 km walk!

As usual, Air Canada will cover the cost of race numbers, and part of the registration fees will be donated to the Telethon.

You can register via this link.

Please note: you will need to submit a medical certificate less than 3 months old by early November.